mardi 31 mars 2020

The best brands of lures (in my opinion)

Today I'm going to show you the three best lure brands in my opinion and introduce you to other fish that we can catch with lures in France....

The best lure brand

Soft lure : DELALANDE 

L'histoire de la marque Delalande Pêche !

Hard lure : Rapala 
sticker RAPALA ref 1 marque de matériel pêche autocollant sponsor ...

Rotating spoon : Mepp's

L'aventure des marques pêche : Mepps -

In my opinion, these three brands are the best in their respective fields. However there is a wide variety of lure brands such as fox rage, abu garcia... which offer excellent lures.

The great forgotten lure fishermen (in france).

The other types of fish that we can meet in France when fishing with lures are chub and trout and aspe which is a fish that we only find in the Loire (great French river). These fishes sometimes forgotten by fishermen offer, them also, good fishing parties and beautiful fights ! 


La truite fario -


Poissons - Comment reconnaître le chevesne - Nature - Animaux ...


La pêche de l' aspe au leurre, sensations garanties !

dimanche 29 mars 2020

What kind of fish can we catch using lures ? part 2

Kind of fish : part 2

Hi today, we're going to talk about the last three types of fish we can catch with lures ! Last time we stopped on pike-perch fishing and today we're going to talk about perch, black-bass and sheatfish fishing.

 Perche commune — Wikipédia

size : between 1 cm and 50 cm
frequented place : They can be found in all types of environments and particularly like crowded places. However, during the hot summer months, they can be found in shallow areas where they can hunt small fry.
suitables lures : The perch is not difficult to fish and will bite any type of lure. However it is imperative to use small lures.
regulatory gap : In France, there is not minimal size to keep it.

Black bass 

Peche82, toute la pêche dans le tarn et garonne.

Size : between 1cm and 70 cm
Frequented place : Blackbasses are found in heavily congested areas and in shallow water such as dead branches at the water's edge or in seagrass beds.
Suitables lures : To fish for black bass you need either very aggressive lures because this fish is coming close to its territory, or extravagant lures like small creatures. You should not skimp on the size of the lure because this fish has a big mouth and will not be impressed by big lures. 
Regulatory gap : In  france, the minimal size is 40 cm.

The sheatfish

Saône : pourquoi cette passion pour le silure ?
Size : it's the biggest fish that we can fish in France. Its size can attract more than 2 meters
Frequented place : This fish is found in the great depths, however in summer we find it on the edges where it feeds on the small birds and batrachians that it crosses.
Suitables lures : To fish for it there were very large lures that could go deep below the surface of the water. The best solution is to use big bait which are very big soft lures. However in summer we can fish it with surface lures like the whopper plopper or popper.
Regulatory gap : This fish does not have a minimum size but few fishermen keep them to eat because its flesh is not very good.

What kind of fish can we catch using lures ? part 1

Kind of fish : part 1

Today we're meeting to talk about the different types of fish we're going to be looking for when we fish with lures.

Since lure fishing consists of imitating animals like small fish, the fish we will be looking for are predators. In France, there are 5 "main" fish that we will meet during our fishing sessions:
- Pike
- the pikeperch 
- perch
- the black bass 
- the sheatfish 
In this article we will present three of these predators by specifying the places they frequent, the lures suitable for their fishing and different information on the regulatory mesh size for example (minimum size to be able to keep it).

The pike
Northern pike - Wikipedia

size : between 20cm and 1m20 for the biggest ones
frequented place : the pike evolves in shallow places between 1m and 3m deep and likes to stand in congested places such as underwater trees. 
suitable lures : Pikes like big prey (sometimes they can be found dead because they have choked on too big a prey). To fish for pike you need big lures that are very aggressive like hard lures or tackle lures. However the dead pike on any type of lure. 
regulatory gap : In france the minimum size to keep it is 60 cm.

The pikeperch

Kuha png 2 » PNG Image
Size: between 20 cm and 1m for the biggest one
frequented place : Pikeperch like to be in deep, calm water. They often stand on gravel pits and small areas, unlike pike. 
Suitable lure: pike-perch are wary and not very aggressive fish, moreover they are particularly fond of small prey and eat only small fish and sometimes crustaceans (crayfish) and earthworms. 
To fish for pikeperch you have to use small and medium soft lures so that it doesn't get suspicious. Other types of lures are not effective for this type of fish because they are not discreet enough. 
regulary gap: In France, the minimum size is 50 cm 

samedi 28 mars 2020

The basics to start fishing with lures !

All about pike fishing with artificials lures

First, lure fishing consists of imitating the prey of this predator in order to trigger an attack by the fish on the lure. It is important to understand that pike live in freshwater and feed on fish, amphibians and sometimes small animals such as birds or rodents.

Kind of rods

For lure fishing there are two types of rods: the casting rod and the spining rod which differs by the position of the reel. 

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "canne spinning"

Then to choose your fishing rod you have to take into account several criteria:
- The size of the rod
- The power of the rod according to the fish sought and the lures used
- The rigidity of the rod according to the lure used
- And finally, the matter of the cane which is fixed according to the price but also to the desires of the fisherman. 

The kind of lure

There are a large number of different types of lures among which several main families can be distinguished.

Hard lure 
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "leurre dur"
Soft lure

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rotating spoon

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "cuillère ondulante"

In each lure family there is a large variety of lures, sometimes mixing several types of lures like this one :

This lure mixes a soft lure and a spinning spoon.