mardi 31 mars 2020

The best brands of lures (in my opinion)

Today I'm going to show you the three best lure brands in my opinion and introduce you to other fish that we can catch with lures in France....

The best lure brand

Soft lure : DELALANDE 

L'histoire de la marque Delalande Pêche !

Hard lure : Rapala 
sticker RAPALA ref 1 marque de matériel pêche autocollant sponsor ...

Rotating spoon : Mepp's

L'aventure des marques pêche : Mepps -

In my opinion, these three brands are the best in their respective fields. However there is a wide variety of lure brands such as fox rage, abu garcia... which offer excellent lures.

The great forgotten lure fishermen (in france).

The other types of fish that we can meet in France when fishing with lures are chub and trout and aspe which is a fish that we only find in the Loire (great French river). These fishes sometimes forgotten by fishermen offer, them also, good fishing parties and beautiful fights ! 


La truite fario -


Poissons - Comment reconnaître le chevesne - Nature - Animaux ...


La pêche de l' aspe au leurre, sensations garanties !

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